Brand Ambassador Select Podcast

CEO Jeannie Seeley-Smith Shares How Perspectives Continues To Empower Women And Rebuild Families

Episode Summary

President and CEO of Perspectives, Jeannie Seeley-Smith, has been creating programs for over 37 years, to empower mothers and rebuild families in Minneapolis. She leads a team who help women who are emerging from homelessness and seeking addiction recovery. She shares how Perspectives' programs include housing, outpatient needs and children's programs. Jeannie helps us understand how people should not look at homeless women until you know what led these women to where they are now. The biggest goals that Perspectives programs offer all lead to wonderful avenues so many women would never have had the opportunity to take. This is why Perspectives is recognized for being the largest supportive housing program for women and children in the Midwest.

Episode Notes

Jeannie Seeley-Smith
Perspectives' Front Desk: 952-926-2600