Brand Ambassador Select Podcast

Children's Author Javenna Bellinger Has The Best Teaching Books for Kids and Nursery Rhymes to Match

Episode Summary

Javenna Bellinger, the author of the Learn Something Book Series has written and self-published 22 educational and inspirational children’s books. Her creativity and inspiration came from her three children while teaching them the basics of life and learning, hence one of her titles - 'Tag In The Back'. But she doesn't just write books because along the way nursery rhymes have come to mind and align with her books. She hopes that one day they will be a legacy that will live on through future generations. Javenna does share how becoming an author is not too easy especially when trying to accrue funds to bring your talent to fruition to share with others. But this hasn't stopped Javenna as she hopes to have 30 books published by 2021. We're sure she will reach her goal!

Episode Notes

Javenna Bellinger
Learn Something Book Series